
I tried washing my face with beer for a week

Tastiest face-wash ever

The Internet is raving about using beer to clean your face. It is said to clean through and shrink your pores, which sounds great. I decided to try such method of face cleansing for a week, using a different type of beer and a different application method each night to see which ones work better and how it works overall.

Night 1: Blue Moon Strawberry Paste Mask

The strawberry paste was fun. I used a blender and it took a little time to make because I didn’t want it to be too blended but I needed a nice paste to apply. I used three spoonfuls of Blue Moon and two strawberries. It ended up being kind of watery and thin, but it dried onto my face.

It gave me a light but noticeable tingle and smelled (and tasted) delicious. I think I used a little too much beer and not enough strawberries because the paste was not quite as thick as I wanted, but it worked out fine. My face definitely felt refreshed and clean after rinsing it off.

When paste was first applied
Paste dried
After rinsing off the paste

Night 2: Stella Face Dunk

For this one, I poured Stella Artois into a bowl and (tried to) dunk my face in it a few times (for breathing purposes, cannot simply soak). Unfortunately I did not have a bowl big enough to fit my full face, so I had to switch off between soaking my forehead and chin. I hardly felt anything and my face did not feel much cleaner afterwards – a bit sticky at most. I did not even really feel refreshed after rinsing it off. Oh well, I tried.

P.S. Pardon the fact that the bowl looks like it is filled with urine. It is beer.

Night 3: Peanut Butter and Bass Paste

I hear all the time that peanut butter makes a great face mask when mixed with ingredients like honey and olive oil, so I made a paste with peanut butter and beer to try. Peanut butter contains Vitamin E which helps maintain the integrity of cells of mucous membrane and the skin, which protects them from great damage. I put one spoonful of peanut butter into a bowl and added beer and mixed until it was a nice, creamy paste.

I left it on for about 10 minutes and totally forgot to remove my eye makeup beforehand which made things a little difficult. I felt a light but barely noticeable tingle. When I removed it, my skin didn’t feel too much cleaner, but definitely a lot softer thanks to the PB. Rinsing off was a bit tough because peanut butter is thick and doesn’t really harden so I suggest either jumping in the shower to scrub it off viciously or keep a wash cloth on standby.

I recommend this method for people with super dry skin. I have normal to oily skin, and my face definitely felt more moisturized (oily) than usual the next morning.

Night 4: Corona Shower

Yep, I poured half a fifth of Corona straight onto my face. It would have been an entire fifth but halfway through, a bunch went into my nose and that was the end of that. When I rinsed my face off and dried it, I didn’t really feel like it did anything. When I soaked my face, I also didn’t feel like it did anything. I decided just pouring beer over my face wasn’t enough, so I used an oil free foaming scrub to exfoliate my pores and then rinsed with (the rest of) the beer again. This time, my skin felt much softer and cleaner. I recommend trying this process because the exfoliant opens your pores and the beer cleans the germs out leaving your skin clean and soft!

Night 5: Yuengling Paste

On this night, I used a very common face mask mix (as told by the Internet). I mixed Greek yogurt, honey, and Yuengling together to make my paste. It definitely smelled good. I felt a light tingle – a bit less than the strawberry paste but still noticeable. My skin felt very smooth afterwards!

Night 6: Lucky U IPA Scrub Mix

Tonight, I mixed my usual, skin penetrating cream cleanser with Lucky U IPA pale ale to create a deeper clean than offered before. Not only would it break through my pores, but the addition of beer would also clean them out thoroughly. The mix of beta hydroxy and 6.2 percent alcohol made for a great clean! The tingle in this tactic was real. My face felt a lot cleaner than before. I recommend this to everyone: mix your favorite daily cleanser with beer for an even deeper clean than you believed possible!

Night 7: Heineken Bubble Bath

For my final night, I decided to go all out and take a beer bubble bath! I added Heineken to my bath to cleanse my entire body. It felt like any other bath, except maybe a bit stickier after getting out. I rinsed my body off after sitting in the bath and my skin felt a little smoother. I would have stayed in longer than 10 minutes but a cute little killer spider appeared and caused me to jump out. Either way, I’m not sure cleaner would be a good word for it, just softer. It was OK, I guess.

In the end, washing my face with beer was fun but not quite as effective as I had expected. Only two of the methods really worked for me: the strawberry mask and the mask mixed with a cleanser. The other methods were OK or not that great and I’m pretty sure the face-dunk soak actually made my pores worse!

My recommendation is that anyone who wants to try this and have an effective experience should mix the beer with either an exfoliant, a product containing salicylic acid, or a citrusy fruit. Unless you pair it with something that penetrates the skin, beer can’t clean correctly – though it does clean if given the chance. Beer alone, though, was not effective at all for me.