
I lost eight pounds in a week on the Military Diet

I had to fast for three days

I first heard about this diet while watching beauty videos on Youtube. This diet lasts for three days (the other four afterwards you just have a calorie restriction of 1500). This three-day diet is based on solid metabolism-boosting science and those who participate can potentially lose up to 10 pounds or more in a week.

The military diet is a great way to lose weight fast but you have to be willing to tough it out for three days on an extremely low calorie diet and then eat less than 1500 calories for four days.

What makes up the Military Diet?

The nice thing about this diet is that it is rather simple. I did not need to count calories or have to eat anything too strange. I went out and bought the groceries needed and spent under $50 which for a college student is great. Each meal is designed to be low in calories and provide a mix of protein, carbs and dietary fat for fast fat burning. Each of the three meals are clearly laid out making it easy to follow. The diet also contains vegan or vegetarian substitutes which is nice because I used some of these for certain meats.

Day 1:


½ Grapefruit

1 Slice of Toast – preferably wholegrain

2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter

1 Cup of Coffee or Tea (with caffeine)

I typically never eat breakfast so this was a bit hard for me. This breakfast was nice because it was quick and easy. I am not a big coffee drinker so I went with tea but if you do drink coffee they prefer you to drink it black and not add all of the sugar and creamer.


½ Cup of Tuna or Lean Protein Substitute

1 Slice of Toast

1 Cup of Coffee or Tea (with caffeine)

Because of my work schedule I have to eat at odd times so I ate lunch around 2pm. I was hungry at this point so I was ready to eat something that would fill me up, but this unfortunately did not. Instead of tuna I had the vegan/vegetarian substitution which was peanuts. The meal was tasty, quick and easy especially if you are on the go, but it is not the best for trying to quench your hunger.


3 Ounces of any type of meat or protein substitute

1 Cup of Green Beans

½ Banana

1 Small Apple

1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

Luckily this meal had some veggies and fruits involved because I find those filling and at this point I needed it. I worked a double this day so I did not have the opportunity to eat dinner until 10pm. My favorite part about this diet is that I could have ice cream as a desert. I was a bit skeptical about this because ice cream is used by wrestlers to put on weight fast (I have a couple of friends on the wrestling team who do this to put weight on quickly). But I stuck to the diet strictly, plus having something sweet made it worth it.

Day 2


1 Egg

1 Slice of Toast

½ Banana

Day two and day three I was out of town so I was not at my house. Luckily since this diet is so simple I could pack everything up and it did not hinder my mini vacation. When I woke up my stomach was not growling like I thought it would be but that is probably because my daily routine usually involves skipping breakfast. Before I ate and started my drive I checked my weight just to see if I could see any differences yet. I lost 1 pound which I was pleasantly surprised by. So far the diet was doing what it was supposed to.


1 Cup of Cottage Cheese

1 Hardboiled Egg

5 Saltine Crackers

So I was doing well with the diet until this point. I do not like cottage cheese and there was not a substitute so I just did not eat it nor did I add anything to make up for it.


2 Hot Dogs (without bun)

1 Cup of Broccoli

½ Cup of Carrots

½ Banana

½ Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

Dinner came about towards the end of my drive and all I can say is at that point I just wanted to stop at a fast food restaurant and pick up some chicken tenders and fries. However, I stuck to the diet because it is beach season and if I can shed 10 pound then I am going to. The diet does not say anything about cooking the broccoli or carrots but I assume you can. I chose not to because of lack of resources, and I don’t really love cooked veggies. The ice cream saved me from going insane because it just tasted so good and made the diet worth it.

Day 3


5 Saltine Crackers

1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese

1 Small Apple

I would have to say that the third day is the hardest day. I started to miss the feeling of being full and eating what I wanted. I forced myself to stay positive because this was the last day of extremely low calorie intake.


1 Hardboiled Egg (or cooked however you like)

1 Slice of Toast

At this point in time I felt as though fate was really cruel to me. I was surrounded by my friends eating normally and taunting me with food while I was there eating an egg and one slice of toast. I remember thinking that something was not quite right about this situation. I also started getting a little hangry (hungry/angry).


1 Cup of Tuna

½ Banana

1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

Fate reversed at this point because my friends wanted my ice cream but I only froze enough for my one portion so this time they got to watch me enjoy eating my sweet desert. I started to notice that throughout the day while we were out and about I had a lack of energy compared to my usual self. I also had an obnoxious stomach that would growl only in the moments of silence causing my friends to either laugh or give me a look of sympathy.

Day 4 through 7

Eat under 1500 calories each day

Praise that these days have arrived. I can finally eat whatever I wanted to. I tried to eat only healthy foods to help get the optimum results of weight loss. I had salads, sandwiches, fruits etc. I regained my energy and was feeling good about myself.

*The diet also says that you can repeat days 1-3 and then proceed to days 4-7 if you want to lose even more weight.


This diet does not require that you exercise but I did just to stay with my work out schedule. I ran one to two miles every other day and did abs, legs and arms on the other days.


Over the course of the week I lost 8 pounds. While it wasn’t complete 10, it was more than enough for me.

I also learned that I will only do this diet if I need to lose weight fast because by the third day I was ready to throw the towel in but I stuck with and got great results. I would definitely recommend this diet because it does give you each of the food groups, allows you to eat normally for the last days, the foods are easily accessible and not too expensive and lastly you are able to lose weight fast as long as you are prepared to put the work in.