
We asked guys: What’s one thing girls have you wish you did?

Surprisingly 'boobs' was not the number one answer

With all the primping, pampering, and pain that comes along with being a girl, I’m sure at one point or another every girl in her lifetime has said, “Gosh, I wish I was a boy for like two seconds.” Whether it was wanting to throw their bra into a shredder or wishing your lady part would chill once a month, girls fully acknowledge that there are certain perks about being a guy.

However, we wanted to know if guys felt the same jealousy that girls do for the opposite gender. So we asked guys, What’s one thing about being a girl you wish you had?

Michael, 18

First off, I wish I could get a free meal every once in a while. Also, it is kind of cool that girls can change their look whenever they want to, like by styling their hair in different ways everyday.

Blake, 21

Honestly for me, being pampered on a date is total babe move.

Austin, 19

I kind of wish is was more socially acceptable for guys to be as emotionally open as girls are.

Randy, 19

If a guy wakes up ugly, he’s stuck that way forever, but if a girl wakes up ugly she can wear makeup and make herself look much better. We can’t cover up our acne or appearance. We are stuck looking exactly the same every day. Girls can wake up ugly and look beautiful in an hour thanks to makeup.

Mason, 21

A girl can go out and where a low cut shirt and drink for free all night but if I go out and unzip my pants a little bit, everyone just looks at me like I’m a penguin walking across a hot street in Orlando.

Timmy, 20

It’s kind of bogus how it’s somewhat socially acceptable if two straight girls kiss but if two guys do its not.

Rashad, 19

I’d play with my boobs and try to get out as much free shit in one night as I could.

Dan, 24

If I were a girl I would enjoy the ability to simply go about my business and have guys make the first move.

Harrison, 18

My answer would probably be being able to grow my hair long. Woman grow long hair like it’s nothing. I can’t grow a nice long flow.