
Elizabeth, the drunk girlfriend in this video, is all of us on a night out

'You drank a sport'

Elizabeth, the eponymous drunk girlfriend and star of this video, is everyone’s party goals on a night out.

The video was posted as part of the Cot Dammit Elizabeth series, a number of Vine videos posted by her long-suffering, long-complaining boyfriend.

The video, which has been viewed thousands of times, shows Elizabeth on the stages of a drunken night out, from struggling to get into her dress, to eating snacks in the car, to demanding to get an Uber “because it has candy” and stealing a red cup directly from the beer pong table – her boyfriend, filming, yells “You literally just drank a sport Elizabeth!”

Elizabeth cries over breaking a nail in the boys bathroom. Elizabeth worries she eats too many sweets to fit into her dress. Elizabeth dances on a bar, while her panicked boyfriend screams “This isn’t Coyote Ugly!” Elizabeth wins at Mario Kart, then beats a guy at push-ups while a crowd of screaming fans, including her boyfriend, cheer her on – basically, she’s the most fun person ever.

The video has already inspired 400,000 other women to embrace their drunk girl personas. She’s been lauded as the hero of all drunk girls everywhere. The next time you take a shot, think of Elizabeth.