
This little girl just shut down gendered marketing in a big way

'The companies who make these try to trick girls'

This video of Riley – who, as her dad’s YouTube channel proves is a little girl with a lot of opinions – shutting down the idea of gendered toys, is pretty inspiring.

Wise beyond her years, Riley explains: “The companies who make these try to trick the girls into buying the pink stuff, instead of stuff the boys want to buy.

“Why do all the girls have to buy princess toys? Some girls like superheroes, some like princesses. Some boys like superheroes, some boys like princesses.”

She storms off at the end in the most precocious mic-drop in humanity.

The video was uploaded to YouTube by Riley’s dad in 2011 and has over five million views. It recently was shared on Facebook and inspired thousands more, racking up another 500,000 in just one day.