
What to wear to Wimbledon (other than tennis whites)

Game set match, babe

With only nine days left of the world renown Wimbledon Tennis tournament, I seriously recommend anyone who hasn’t been to grab a comfortable pair of shoes and head on over. Even though it is possible to watch all the best matches on your TV at home, there is nothing quite like walking around the grounds, witnessing the scale and smooth operation of the event, and not to mention seeing the players in action in the flesh.

If you have ordinary grounds tickets then there is no specific dress code, however the style of the event naturally inspires spectators to look their best. When attempting to pick out your sassy outfit for the day I would recommend that you keep certain practicalities in mind. Firstly that queuing is one of the main activities at Wimbledon, which in typical English style spectators commit to in an orderly and upbeat fashion. The queue for tickets is definitely the longest, as you can be standing outside the grounds for up to four hours.

The green flag is where the queue starts, btw

So while queuing, we snapped some of Wimbledon’s most fashionable tennis fans.

Nyalie Waterhouse-Shah, 21

Sarah Clement, 40

Miele Van der Merwe – 21

Federica Andriolo, 15

 Harriet Checkley, 23 & Lorna Wilson, 25

Remy Ormesher, 25

Victoria Wyatt, 20

Phoebe, 20