
In defence of having sex on your period

It's just blood

In the bible Leviticus warns: “If there is a man who lies with a menstruous woman and uncovers her nakedness…both of them shall be cut off from among their people.”

Well you know what Leviticus, you clearly haven’t tried period sex because it’s bloody awesome. Having sex on your period is one of the last sex taboos of the twenty first century. But it’s a normal, healthy exploit, and not something that anyone should make you feel ashamed about.

It might be messy, but it’s not gross

Obviously there’s going to be blood, but if he’s happy to come inside you then he clearly has no issue with the sharing of bodily fluids. So why should he have a problem if you’re menstruating? If he doesn’t want blood on his dick that’s okay because he can always wear a condom, and if either of you are worried about ruining your sheets simply lay down a blanket or some towels. There’s absolutely nothing gross about having period sex, you just need to be prepared.

If we’ve learnt anything from those annoying tampon ads it’s that we shouldn’t allow periods to stop us from living our lives. So if that means still having sex on our periods, then so be it because I dgaf and neither should you. Seriously, it’s 2016, isn’t it about time people actually stopped treating periods as shameful and disgusting?

Illustration by Daisy Bernard

Orgasms help alleviate cramps

According to Professor John Guillebaud, most men don’t take periods seriously because they just “don’t get it”. Something which is backed up by the concerning lack of focus on menstruation from the medical world. There’s been hardly any research into period pain or pms symptoms, despite the fact eighty per cent of women and trans men who have periods experience these things. Period cramps are real, women aren’t being over dramatic or hysterical, shedding the lining of our uterus’ is actually really painful.

If you’re fed up of popping pills to keep cramps at bay there’s a natural remedy that’s been around for thousands of years, it’s guaranteed to alleviate your cramps and is far stronger than any paracetamol your doctor prescribes, yes I’m talking about orgasms. Having an orgasm will not only alleviate your cramps but period sex orgasms are on a whole different level. All that pent up tension will come to a head and make it even more powerful than you could ever imagine. At the point of orgasm a woman’s pain sensation decreases by seventy five percent, as a result of the oxytocin and endorphins that are released, orgasms are the only natural pain relief that leave you feeling fucking great.

So, how do you actually bring it up?

Periods are not the highlight of any woman’s month, but that doesn’t mean they should be discussed in hushed whispers. Talking about your period with your boyfriend or bed buddies openly is the only way you can actually get them to understand and engage with what it feels like. Besides, how can we even begin to try and break the period taboo if we refuse to talk about it, simply because we’re just too embarrassed? Periods happen, blood, cramps, and bloating the whole shebang. No it’s not fun, but it doesn’t mean you’re off limits. You can still have sex. Be open about it, tell him it’s your time of the month but you still want to have sex. Don’t be awkward or apologetic, just say it how it is. At the end of the day you’re both adults and periods are just a natural part of being a woman, if he tries to make you feel embarrassed then maybe it’s time you showed him the door.

Illustration by Juliette Hayt

Having sex actually shortens your period

The contractions of an orgasm also help to expel your uterus’ lining leading to shorter periods. Pain relief and shorter periods, who’d have thought it eh?

Everything is so much more sensitive

Your body is so much more sensitive than normal when you’re on your period, due to the increased blood flow. Plus, you’re always so damn horny on and around your period, you can’t help it that everything makes you aroused, so why suppress yourself? Embrace it and just fuck it out.Those enhanced orgasms are just too good to resist.

It’s not just your vagina and clit that are extra sensitive, your nipples become super sensitive on your period, too. Essentially, period sex is actually a magical and wondrous exploit that will make your life even more amazing than it already is. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.