
This map shows all the sexual and violent crimes in your university town

95 per cent of girls say they've been groped

Sexual assault at university is on the rise. A Tab survey found that at some unis, almost 50 per cent of girls said they had been sexually assaulted. Shockingly, 95 per cent say they’ve been groped in a club. Despite a national effort to raise awareness of consent and the issues around these crimes, things aren’t getting any better.

We compiled data from the last 12 months to show where sexual and violent crimes have been committed in your uni town. Using areas surrounding the city centres and university campuses, data gathered from the police shows the incidences of crimes like rape, sexual harassment and assault at universities in England and Wales.

The redder areas show where incidences of violent and sexual crimes are more concentrated, the yellower, the less concentrated. In Sheffield for example, the more central areas are redder and have a higher prevalence of violent and sexual crimes reported.

The most concentrated areas were unsurprisingly the larger cities, such as London, Manchester and Liverpool. However, smaller cities such as Plymouth and Norwich also had very high incidences of violent and sexual crimes. Durham and Bath seemed to have the lowest number of cases reported in the last year.

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This relates to the fact that the number of sexual assaults and sexual harassment cases has risen in recent years, despite the introduction of consent workshops to certain universities. However, it seems as though not all universities are making steps to improve the safety of their students as staff accused of sexual harassment claims were covered up by secret agreements. On top of this, a university lecturer was allowed to continue teaching after having beaten up his student girlfriend.

The problem is not going away, if anything it seems to be getting worse. These surveys prove that university is a dangerous place for women on nights out, a terrifying prospect for incoming freshers. Just last year, Cardiff saw three sexual attacks within five days during Freshers’ Week.

All of this, and the data shown on the heat map, proves that students are still not safe at university and more needs to be done to ensure that students are protected from these crimes, and are not causing them.