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These are the brands that still use animal testing
According to PETA
by Rose Bernard
We all know it happens, but it’s easy to ignore the animal lives that enable our cosmetics to come to market.
Companies like Lush and The Body Shop make a lot of noise about their cruelty-free methods. But what about the others? We asked PETA for a list of top cosmetic brands that do test on animals.
These are the cosmetic brands that still test on animals, or use ingredients that have been tested on animals:
A spokesperson for PETA told The Tab: “Tests on animals for cosmetics are unethical and scientifically archaic. There is no reason for companies to inject guinea pigs with lipstick ingredients to check for painful skin reactions, dose pregnant rabbits with face cream ingredients to see whether their newborns will be deformed. Or to force-feed rats shampoo ingredients for weeks or months, causing sickness, convulsions, weight loss and death, especially considering the wide availability of vastly superior non-animal tests.
“We can now use human cells and tissues, high-speed computer models and cutting-edge techniques that weren’t available when cosmetics tests on animals started in the 1920s.
“In fact, PETA has put funds into bringing such methods forward. With greater education and awareness of the cruelty associated with animal experiments, consumers around the world will increasingly demand cruelty-free products.”
Discover the companies that don’t test on animals on PETA’S website.