
Volunteers write an open letter criticising people who abandoned their drunk friend

'Great job guys, you can really be proud of yourselves'

A volunteer group have written an open letter after caring for a drunk woman who had been left by herself on Friday night.

Cheltenham Volunteers looked after “Emily” for two hours after she’d thrown up on herself in a taxi. Her friends were contacted, however the volunteers claimed they never came to collect her, finding the whole incident “funny” and mocking them. At around 4am the next day, she was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

After looking after Emily on Friday night, the volunteers posted the open letter to the “Dear friends of Emily” on their Facebook page.

As well as criticising them for being bad friends, it condemns them for “wasting valuable resources for over two hours” and “forc[ing] the attendance of an emergency ambulance at a cost to the NHS of £300.”

It ends by saying: “I hope you enjoyed your night at the expense of us, South West Service Ambulance and Emily. Great job guys, you can really be proud of yourselves.”

Read the full letter here: