
Honestly though, does anything sum up life as a woman in your twenties better than ‘also me’?

Me: Meme culture is crude and reductive. Also me: I can't stop

Look, I don’t like this idea anymore than you.

There are great works of art in the world, masterpieces which are supposed to help you understand the human condition and navigate life as a young adult, but instead where are we? We’re here, laughing quietly at memes, saying “yes” “same” “this is me”. I’ve looked everywhere else, OK? I’ve tried to find other things which sum up the universal experience that is life but there’s nothing, there’s only these memes. I cannot stop looking at these memes.

Why are they so good? Is it because they sum up the twenties-life experience of being unsure, irresponsible, nihilistic, petty, self-immolating, bored and broke? Is it because of Kermit? Is it because Star Wars? I dunno. I’m no further along than you in this.

And no, I don’t want to say ‘here is a list of the best memes’ but there’s no other way of saying it: if you look at this collection of the greatest also meme masterpieces and don’t say “also me” then you must literally have no soul.