
Every pointless nipple headline we’ve had to endure this year


2016 has been a big, busy, newsworthy old year. We left the EU, we elected Donald Trump, we lost a lot of public figures and we talked a lot about Calais. You would think, wouldn’t you, with all that going on, that the papers would pretty much have their hands full. But apparently not.

Because every time there’s a slow week, they’re there. They appear in the sidebar of shame and on a double page spread with a flimsy presence – the nipple stories, they have arrived.

You may have missed some of them (there’s a lot) and it would be terrific shame to miss out on any of them. So consider this a short but unabridged education, a catalog of the times that nipples, bafflingly, became some of the hugest (in terms of views and shares), most newsworthy moments of 2016.


It’s been a helluva year.