
Urban Dictionary’s definitions of ‘feminism’ are so wrong they are hilarious

Feminism: 'A movement of whiny bitches'

One will usually end up on Urban Dictionary in search of insight on the latest acronym or slang everyone is using, like “smh” or “lit.” The site lets users submit their own definitions for words and through upvotes and downvotes the top result will usually give you what you’re looking for.

Let’s take the word ‘feminism’ for example. The top result defines feminism as:

The belief that women are and should be treated as potential intellectual equals and social equals to men. These people can be either male or female human beings, although the ideology is commonly (and perhaps falsely) associated mainly with women.

The basic idea of Feminism revolves around the principle that just because human bodies are designed to perform certain procreative functions, biological elements need not dictate intellectual and social functions, capabilities, and rights.

Feminism also, by its nature, embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and liberty within reason — including equal civil rights — and that discrimination should not be made based on gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, culture, or lifestyle.

Feminists — and all persons interested in civil equality and intellectuality–are dedicated to fighting the ignorance that says people are controlled by and limited to their biology.

Not bad. Most people would read that and be satisfied that they now know all about feminism!

But the real gems lay past that top result — where all the sexist, misogynistic and just plain wrong submissions take a back seat.

So here they are. The best worst Urban Dictionary definitions of feminism. Prepare yourself.

The ones who made it all about men

It’s not about you, hun
Yes, please give us all your rights
Do it for the men
It must be so hard for you to be treated unfairly
This is our slogan after all

The ones who just had to talk about women’s looks

You know, just in this for our 15 minutes of fame
Ouch, if we gave a fuck that would have really hurt
Fuck you
You bet I do

The ones who think we’re sexist

Everyone knows feminists love sexism
Really sorry you’re going through all of this guys

The ones who compared feminism to Nazism

Something isn’t right here…Donald Trump doesn’t have brain cells

The ones who think we can’t get laid

Girls must be falling all over you
Thank you Feminism!

The ones who had the nerve to use rape as an argument

See: rape culture
‘Feminism in a nutshell’

The ones who don’t really know what point they are trying to make

Do you have a point though?
We have enough dicks in our lives to want yours

The ones who think we’re making this shit up

Ah yes, the radical notion that women are people
On Wednesdays we plan what ‘false’ study we’re coming up with next
I’ll show you my degree if you show me yours

The ones that don’t make much sense

Bet this is a 50s male
Pick a word, any word!
Whoa when did this get violent?
I get it now

Don’t you feel like only now you can only fully understand what feminism is? Thank you, lads of Urban Dictionary.

That was definitely insightful.