
What it’s like being the girl in a relationship on a night out

We'll just awkwardly sip on our drink

When you’re a girl in a relationship on a night out, there’s something about being among all your single and ready to mingle friends that makes you really stand out. You’re basically walking around with a big sign on your forehead that reads ‘Taken,’ while being the wing girl for your friends.

This is everything that will happen on a night out that all #relationshipgoals girls will most likely relate to. You aren’t alone.

A guy comes along and grabs your friend to dance

Oh cool, it’s not like you wanted to dance with her anyway. Just sip on your drink and awkwardly dance with yourself. Pretend like you don’t care and enjoy the view of everyone else dancing.

That guy comes with an ‘interested friend’

Sorry dude, but I’m taken. I’ll dance next to you but not on you. Better luck next time.

You’re left alone at the bar

I guess I’ll have three shots of tequila for me, myself, and I and another two shots of vodka. This is going to be a long night.

A guy buys your friend a drink

But then your friend has your back and tells him that he has to buy you a drink as well. You didn’t even have to do any extra work. #friendgoals

You pretend to be busy on your phone

You’re scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat because it’s at least entertaining and you don’t want to just awkwardly stand there doing nothing.

Your friend makes out with the guy in front of you

Just look the other way and pretend not to care. Matter of fact, just buy yourself another drink and sip on that.

Strange guys go and talk to you

You’re all alone and don’t know where your friend went. Once they start asking you all sorts of questions like “Why are you all alone?” or “Do you want to dance with me?” you have to awkwardly let them know you are taken just in case they were wondering. It’s not to be rude or anything. You just don’t want them making moves on you.

Your friend asks you if the guy she’s getting with is cute

Sometimes it’s easy to tell. But other times you can’t tell because he’s too busy sucking on your neck. Either way do what you gotta do.

Your friend ends up going home with the guy

So you end up paying the cab back home by yourself. Most times they will tell you not to wait up for them or they just leave without any notice, but sometimes it can get annoying considering you have to go home by yourself now.

You have no one to dance with

Your significant other goes to a different school or lives away from you so now you have no one else to dance with, drink with or have fun with because everyone else is hooking up with one another. You’re all lonely and not even your bf/gf can save you from this one.

But then your other friend in a relationship keeps you company

Praise God for those kind of friends because now you can be alone together, or give guys the wrong idea…

Don’t get us wrong, we love seeing our single friends have fun and meet different guys. But when we are the only ones dancing alone or standing alone at the bar, it starts feeling like we are the wing girl. But we also have those single friends who still stick with their gals throughout the night and go back home with you. So cheers to them and keep on drinking.