
The oldest person in the world says being single is the reason she’s still alive

She says brandy helps too

The oldest woman alive, Emma Morano, believes the secret to long life is being single, just the bit of information we need this deep into cuffing season.

Emma Morano celebrated her 117th birthday back in November, making her the oldest woman alive, and the only person still alive to have seen three centuries.

Emma has lived on her own since she left her violent husband in 1938, saying “I didn’t want to be dominated by anyone” In a time when women lived sheltered, domestic lives under the influence of their husbands, Ms. Morano had a full-time career as a factory worker and a cook.

She outlived all of her eight younger siblings, and people now reportedly come from all over the world to see her: America, Switzerland, Austria, Turin, Milan … They come from all over to see me”.

She reportedly lives on a diet of “two eggs a day, and that’s it. And cookies”, and a lot of brandy, and she credited her old age to being single and going to bed early. This woman is my spirit animal.

Apparently she got into the habit of eating two raw eggs and one cooked egg every day way back when she was 20, when she was diagnosed with anaemia, and she doesn’t eat meat partly because she’s afraid of contracting cancer.

At 177 she is an inspiration to many, and on her birthday journalists, relatives, and the town mayor will visit. There’s even going to be a local theatre production, with music performed over three centuries, and a dramatisation entitled “the woman who saw three centuries”.

While she’s still a few years off the current record holder, Jeanne Calment who died in 1997 aged 122, something tells me this strong, independent woman isn’t going anywhere soon. She doesn’t have a man around sucking the life out of her, so she’ll probably be just fine.