
I lived like Ivanka Trump for a week

Girl drinks a lot of water

With Trump going into office and Melania staying in New York for a while, speculation is that Ivanka is going to take on the First Lady role.

With that in mind, I wanted to see what Ivanka’s life was like. She’s a successful designer on top of being the daughter of a yuge businessman. Oh, and President, that too.

I did some research on Ivanka’s life including daily routine and diet. Some of her dieting habits were very interesting, and some were a lot like mine.

Morning routine

Ivanka Trump wakes up at 6am, though she admittedly sometimes presses snooze a few times. She then meditates for 15 minutes before getting ready for work.

Her kids wake up at seven, at which time her day begins. That system didn’t work quite as well for me, and not just because I don’t have kids to tend to.

Though I tried to wake up at six, I’m also a college student who stays up until the wee hours of the morning. My attempt failed, and I finally got out of bed at 8:30.

Meditating was nice and all, but I’m not sure morning meditation is right for me. I feel like it’s better suited for a nighttime routine when one needs to decompress from everything the day threw at them.


Ivanka’s diet secrets include eating carbs at night and protein during the day. She’s also constantly surrounded by fluids (namely coffee, water and tea), so I basically carried a giant water bottle around every day for a week.

My only issue was that I don’t eat meat, so I had to improvise with the protein thing. That being said, my diet pretty much consists of protein and a few carbs anyway.

Occasionally (or not so occasionally), she eats really nice meals. So at home I had one or two super fished-up meals with light carbs and tons of colors — which would not have been plausible on a college campus.


Ivanka always dresses chic. She’s never seen with a single hair out of place. She also goes to really important events. I went with my parents to an event on The Hill and was photographed with the Mayor of D.C. You know, the Ivanka life: be an important person and be photographed with important people.

It was very Ivanka-like. This portion of her lifestyle was very fun.

I also, of course, had to get a photo with my dad.


At the end of the day (or week) I must give credit where credit is due. Ivanka lives a hectic life and does a great job doing it.

I found it tiring at times, and though I couldn’t really replicate the work side of her life, I’m sure it’s quite stressful as well. Additionally, I didn’t like waking up so early (and failed to do so), but found that drinking water made me feel good, and meditation can definitely help you get through stressful situations.