
BREAKING: Matthew McConaughey no longer hot after attempting to normalize Trump

He said we should 'embrace' the fact that he's president

In what is surely a record-breaking speed, Matthew McConaughey dropped from a solid 9.8 on the Perfect Husband Scale all the way down to a 2 after encouraging the American people to “embrace and shake hands” with the fact that Trump is president in a new interview.

Forget his travel ban, his mocking of disabilities, his persecution of a free press, his precious border wall — let’s just embrace it! Because fuck America, right?

“He’s our president. And it’s very dynamic and as divisive of an inauguration and time as we’ve had,” he told BBC in a new interview. “At the same time, it’s time for us to embrace and shake hands with this fact and be constructive with him over the next four years.”

And if you think this sounds especially jarring from someone who was once arrested for playing bongos naked while high as shiiiit, then you’re not alone. It’s absolutely horrifying that someone with an influence over so many would attempt to normalize something so dangerous.

This is so not alright, alright, alright.