
Apparently, the newest lipstick trend is to look like you’ve been making out

Smudged is the new...something?

So we all already know that moisturized is the new matte:

And for some time now, smudge-y morning-after looks have been on the scene. It’s that chill girl with bottom liner who “doesn’t notice boys,” but tooootally knows the guitar player. You don’t know if she rolled out of bed like that, or spent an hour on it, but you do know she always looks perfectly, calculatedly casual.

But snogged lips have just hit the runway, to revive all of our ~easy, breezy, beautiful~ makeup dreams. So put that lip liner down and take a nap, because that’s the only way to get this new blurry look.

I for one am a fan of this new less work, greater reward trend in fashion. Let the glow-up (literally) begin.