
Was that ‘Best Picture’ mess-up Leonardo DiCaprio’s fault?

Leo scammed us all

By now, you’ve heard all about last night’s embarrassing screw-up at the Oscars.

‘La La Land’ was announced Best Picture winner, the cast and crew ascended the stage in celebration only to find out that the wrong title had been read out — ‘Moonlight’ was the actual winner.

The blame was quickly placed on 5,000-year-old Warren Beatty, who tried to defend himself by explaining that the envelope read “Emma Stone — La La Land.”

The Twitter FBI, though, unraveled a different story. If the envelope did read “Emma Stone — La La Land” then that means it was the envelope for Best Actress. Also known as the envelope presented Leonardo DiCaprio was in charge of.


When Leo walked Emma off stage, he was supposed to give her the envelope but instead, he either put it down or handed it off to Warren Beatty, whom he might have mistaken for the ghost of a crew member’s great-great-freat-grandfather.

Hey, mistakes happen.


Maybe this wasn’t an honest mistake. Maybe this was something far more sinister.

Did Leo fuck up on purpose in a Wolf of Wall Street style revenge? I really hope so because that’s beyond petty and I’m here for it. Leo the Scammer, truly.

Or maybe he did it to save the earth.

Or maybe he’s just a messy bitch who lives for drama.

Either way, I love it because it’s something I would do. Scam on, Leo.