
Apparently, the ‘future of media’ is one massive sausage fest, according to CNN

Guess we should just go home, huh?

It’s the first day of Women’s History Month and Josiah Ryan, Senior Producer at CNN, just tweeted a photo full of men with the caption “This is what the future of media looks like.”

The future of media is, apparently, 100 percent straight men, and almost exclusively white.

So it’s weird, because last time I checked, women make up 50.8 percent of the population. It almost seems as if they would have to go out of their way to supply a cover that is 100 percent male.

The piece, CNN Chief Jeff Zucker Unveils Plan to Dominate Digital, seems as if it hasn’t, perhaps, thought through the fact that complete “domination” without women on your side only leaves you with 49.2 percent.

Besides the fact that it would be inappropriate to tweet this photo with that caption on any regular day, today, March 1, marks the beginning of Women’s History Month — a month to reflect on the steps our sisters before us have made, and the steps we hope to make for our future sisters. This, however, feels like a massive step back.

Twitters users have taken to the post, in an attack on both The Hollywood Reporter, as well as CNN.

Considering traditional women’s media are the ones getting things right and reporting stories no one else will (hey, Teen Vogue!), the fact that women dominate the public relations field and the reality that women control advertising dollars and the social media industry, this is — in a word — bullshit.