
This girl claims we can’t wear chokers anymore because it’s a form of cultural appropriation against the Swiss

Finally something which stops the juggernaut that is the choker trend dead in its tracks

In the past year chokers have blown the fuck up, that goes without saying. They became bedazzled, velvety neckbraces seen on every girl the club toilets (and some boys).

But now that might all be ending, thanks to an op-ed written by a student in Washington which claims wearing them is a form of cultural appropriation against the Swiss.

Writing an op-ed called “My Experience with Cultural Appropriation” in The Daily, The University of Washington’s student paper, Joy Geerkens says: “The history behind [chokers] is really complex and fascinating; women used to wear them because the severe iodine deficiency in the high altitudes of the Alps would cause them to have goiters.

“In order to hide these lumps or the scars they would receive from having them removed, they adorned their necks with chokers.” Geerkens writes that although she does love seeing people wearing a necklace style that reminds her of home, she does not love the discussions about them.

“Wear them, but know the history behind the trend, and for the love of God, please do not keep spreading these offensive jokes about women being ‘whores’ for wearing them; it’s dehumanizing, sexist, and ignorant.”

Geerkens, who moved to the US last year, goes on to say that the same applies to Oktoberfest, writing: “Stop using Oktoberfest as an excuse to get drunk off of cheap, terribly watered down beer or to wear our traditional clothes to make your boobs look nice.

“That isn’t flattering to us; it’s eroticizing cultural traditions that have been around for hundreds of years without even understanding what they mean.”

I knew America had some problems with cultural appropriation but who among us knew it ran this deep and that was worst when it comes to the denigration of Swiss culture. All this time we’ve been looking in the wrong places.

I am shook.