
SNL finally drags the guys who go to protests for the pussy

You are under a legal and moral obligation to fuck him, do you understand?

If I’m not mistaken, this is how sex works: a man doesn’t treat you like a waterlogged pile of street garbage, so in exchange, you have to suck his dick in a bar bathroom.

Wait, is that not how it’s supposed to go?

Apparently, no one told the Wokeboys, those gaggles of not-like-other-men men who try to game women for sex with displays of performative feminism and those ugly (sorry, but it’s true :/) pink pussy hats. SNL, in what might be their best sketch of the year so far, finally called them out.

The best (read: worst) part of this entire sketch is that might not necessarily be scripted. It’s not a satire, it’s not an exaggeration. Men really do call you a bitch when you don’t jump at the chance to eat their ass in the alley behind the club. Honestly, it’s a wonder women aren’t more into militant misandry.

I’d be more excited for this sketch, though, if I didn’t know how its reception played out across the country last night.

Man: Haha oh my god I’m so sorry you guys have to deal with that!

Woman: I know, fake nice guys are the worst!

Man: Glad I’m not like that. Hashtag She Persisted, right? Hey, wanna give me a Rusty Trombone?