
How to dress like Marion Kelly, the little bespectacled baby from the BBC interview who’s our new fashion icon

She's got a lewk

Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne, Marion Kelly. What do they have in common? Correct, they are the fashion icons of our time. Four-year-old Marion burst onto the haute couture scene last week when she razzle-dazzled her way into her dad, Robert E. Kelly’s BBC interview and turned the heads of every fashion guru and cutting edge blogger in the world.

Yesterday the fashionista reappeared in another interview with her dad, replete with lollipop, pink glasses and trenchcoat, and a hush fell over the world. Somewhere in Manhattan Anna Wintour lowers her dark glasses and raises her eyebrows, her mouth forming a silent “wow” as she watches the fashion world fall apart and come together again, centered around Marion Kelly.

And by the fashion world I mean Twitter obviously.

Who will Marion Kelly walk for next? Personally I hope it’s Chanel. But with that coat maybe Burberry? The world is her oyster!