
All of the terrifying things women do every day that men never have to think about

'Text me when you get home'

I’m not saying I don’t love peeing with my friends and having them text me when they get home, but what I really feel bad about is that guys will never get to share these kinds of bonds.

They can walk down a dark street without talking to a friend on the phone, and that makes me sad. So here’s to female friendship, and all the things we get to do every single day that no guy has ever even thought about.

Dancing with your back to a wall at a party so no one can come up behind you 

Haha, I love this corner!

Lowering the volume on your headphones when you’re walking home at night

 Or just not wearing headphones at all. Maybs they’ll still think I’m listening to Ariana instead of their intense heavy breathing?

Making eyes with your friends when a guy starts dancing with her to make sure she actually wants to 

‘Look me in the eyes and let me know that this is something you want’. If not, I will find us both an out.

Wanting to cross the street when you see a guy approaching and it’s late 

I’m a versatile girl. Sometimes I just like to change things up, ya know? You could call me a free spirit.

But not crossing, out of fear of offending him / causing a bigger issue 

Kidding. Sometimes I like to keep it safe too.

Peeing with your drink on the back of your toilet because you didn’t want to leave it at the bar 

Just me, my friend, and I. You can never be too hydrated, am I right?

Taking laps at a party when your friend is hooking up with a guy and trying to keep her in eye sight 

Yea, don’t mind me by the cooler over here. Just takin’ in the view.

Walking in the street because it’s brighter than the sidewalk 

You probably think I’m either drunk or super brave, but I’m really just tryna’ see a bit better so I know if someone is approaching.

Not walking next to cars in case there’s someone hiding behind it 

Could be under it too, tbf. Nothing seems off limits here.

Parking under lights in a parking lot 

I know there are a bunch of open spots closer to the store, but I just really like this one.

Wanting to stand on public transport even when there’s an open seat next to a guy 

It’s okay, this is the only exercise I’ll get today.

Bringing your friend to the bathroom at the club to make sure she’s into the guy talking to her 

Look, we could both fake our own death in here if ya want. Or I can boost ya out the window. Whatever works.

Sitting anyway because you don’t want to offend him 

But ya know, sometimes a girl needs a rest. These legs weren’t made for standing.

Carrying a knife even though we might think we’d be too scared to ever use it 

Dunno how to work this thing, but I know I never leave the house without it because it makes me feel like I actually have the power to fight back.

Holding your purse to the front when you’re walking alone 

It’s just a new trend thing.

Covering up cleavage when in an Uber 

This is my ‘sexy’ going out turtleneck.

Share your location with all your friends when going on a date 

Just like to keep my friends updated on my whereabouts.

‘Text me when you get home’

Would never ask a guy friend to do this, but you’re my friend and I like texting you.

Sending 20 messages down the group chat when you lose a friend in the club

Like if it was a guy in your group it would be so chill, but if it’s a girl it’s immediately ‘wtf where are u’.

Going to the bathroom with your friends bc you don’t want to get left alone at the bar 

‘You know what, I’m just gonna come with’.

Smiling when a strange guy says hey to you on the street bc you’re too scared to ignore him 

Great to see you! Missed ya. Let’s catch up soon.

Pretending we’re interested in our uber driver’s life so we don’t make them mad

‘Okay, and so your kids. Tell me about them.’

Tipping male bartenders more bc we fear them getting mad if we don’t 

How does $5 sound?

Being afraid to make direct eye contact with guys we don’t know 

Wow, this floor. Have you even seen it? Looks great today.

Walking with a purpose so they assume we will be meeting someone soon 

I’m a busy girl, with a busy life and lost of things to do and people to meet and they will seek police action if you put me in the trunk of that car!

Taking an Uber home so people don’t follow us 

It’s okay, I have some change to spare. I’m just gonna do that then.

Making sure your friend is home by a certain time when on a tinder date 

Okay, hun. Have a fun night. I’ll be waiting for you at 11, ready to dial 911 at exactly 11:05.