
Men are creepy, says study. No shit, say women everywhere

*pretends to be shocked*

Do you ever wonder who the hell funds those studies that just tell us what we already knew? I swear to god, if I find out that this one was tax payer-funded, I will rage because they could have just asked literally any woman and saved millions.

A study out of Knox College called "On the Nature of Creepiness" examined exactly what makes people creepy, including jobs (clowns, sex shop owners), mannerisms (refusing to take social cues), and physical attributes (sinister smiles, peculiar dress).

More than 1,300 respondents from across the world participated in the study, and over 95 percent said they perceived men to make up most of society's creepy pool. Wow, what a shock!

And actually, if you look at what researchers found to be creepy, it sounds like every dude who ever scared you at a bar:

Steering the conversation towards sex

Standing too close

Asking to take a picture of you

Being significantly older than you

Refusing to take social cues

Talking too much about their personal life

Yup, sounds like every man who's ever followed me down the street. You know, this is why we need more female researchers and scientists: we wouldn't need to spend years and tons of money analyzing something so obvious. Honestly, if women ran the world, we'd probably have cured cancer by now.

But hey, at least now we have actual definitive proof that dudes are total freaking creeps.