
The best, worst, saddest, and funniest reactions to that awful Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial

Pepsi has a dream

Earlier this week, Kendall Jenner saved us all from a nation tainted by overt and systemic racism by handing riot police an ice-cold Pepsi.

Twitter — and Black Twitter in particular — did what it does best and turned a tone-deaf, offensive instance into something both hilarious and teachable. Users took something insensitive and potentially dangerous and used humor to highlight the stark difference between what Pepsi portrayed and what people of color experience in interactions with the police every single day.

Here are the best, worst, funniest, saddest, smartest and weirdest reactions to that infamous advertisement:

This reaction to the ad released on the anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination

This scenario that makes the bold assumption that POC were in the meeting at all

The ultimate tool

The genius user who pointed out how stupid the generic “protest” signs were

This user who pointed out a crucial element of most protests was missing

This meeting of the minds over Kendall’s ingenious solution


Pepsi’s inevitable next move

This not-so-far-fetched scenario

And this one

Oh, and this one

It’s almost as if…there’s a pattern…?

Will you guys take an IOU?

Pepsi trying to learn from their mistakes

They better fucking learn, anyway

“LOL U got us, guys!!!!”

Rob Delaney burning “President” Trump, who you know LOVES Pepsi

Oh shit, maybe Pepsi’s in on it and is gonna sponsor the Get Out sequel

And this haunting and upsetting comparison which solidifies the incontrovertible fact that this was the stupidest fucking commercial of all time