
We asked girls about the craziest thing they’ve ever done for popularity

From pushing friends out to fucking creeps

We’ve all read the stories about wild and gross things that’ve happened to girls during sex, and we’ve certainly read a whole lot of “It happened to me and it was really embarrassing” stories, but what we were interested in was talking to girls about things they themselves have done.

We asked girls what crazy, fucked up, embarrassing shit they’ve done in an attempt to gain popularity in their lives, and people were shockingly open with us.

Names have been changed for the sake of anonymity.


One of the popular guys in my grade was throwing a pool party. We worked together and he accidentally mentioned it in front of me so he invited me. I ended up buying this really sexy suit to go, and covering myself in tanning oil.

When I got into the pool the oil started to make my body all slimy, and my swim bottoms began to slide off. One of the guys was like ‘if you’re cool’ you’ll let them go, and I did. I regret it to this day and was too young to know what I was doing, but I literally stripped for a bunch of men who never talked to me again.


We were going to a summer festival and I’d asked around to see if anyone was picking up. Everyone was being disorganized so I said I’d get some for a few of my friends. I gave them my bank details and gradually more and more money came into my account, until I had just shy of $900 and ‘orders’ from peripheral people in my friend group. Because it happened bit by bit I didn’t ever get the chance to say ‘no’, because it was a small amount from a lot of people, all of whom I liked. It would have been rude to pick and choose, am I right?

So after a few sleepless nights, I drove an hour in the opposite direction to the festival – on my own – with a HUGE chunk of cash in my dashboard. When I’d got the drugs I drove at half the speed the whole way, gripping the steering wheel, imagining my face on the front of all the papers. Obviously it was all fine but I promised never to do that again.


I’m middle school I was a raging bitch and tried to break up my friend and her boyfriend who I liked and who was popular. So I sent him chocolates on valentines with a note saying how she wasn’t good enough for him in hopes that he would leave her for me and I would at last be officially part of the cool group.


I literally changed my entire taste in music for popularity. At the time everyone I knew was into rap, so I began listening to that too. I still don’t like it.


I fell out with a load of my friends before I went to high school so when I got there I wanted to get into the other ‘cool’ group which kind of rivaled my other friends group. So I went out with this guy I knew was a bit of an asshole but he was the leader of the whole group. I ended up being stuck with him for four years so jokes on me.


In high school I had this friend who did everything I did and agreed with everything I said because she wanted to be a part of my friends group and she saw me as her way ‘in.’ So like she’d text me asking what to wear on nights out, she’d agree with all the plans I made, she ate what I ate at lunch haha.

Now that I’m not 16 anymore I’ve realized my friends were really not as cool as we thought we were.


I was popular as fuck in high school, didn’t have to scheme


I absolutely only got with my first boyfriend because he was popular and I didn’t have any friends. We stayed together for 5 years which was as big of a mistake as it sounds like it would be to be honest.


I was always second in popularity to my best friend in high school. She was the developed girl with big boobs so that supposedly made her more ‘mature’ in life and boys. we were friends for around 5 years and for 4 of them she had a boyfriend and spent all her time with him. I started dating someone just as she broke up with her man and she became clingy as fuck even though she literally had a bf for 4 years and we spent the same amount of time as before but she just didn’t have a guy to entertain her the rest of the time.

Anyway fast forward to her birthday party where she kicked me out. She walked up to me as I was with my boyfriend and said the words “Can you please leave?,” So I walked the fuck out and never looked back and can confirm was pretty popular in high school after that and in my hometown in general.


One time after junior prom hooked up with a football player who had a girlfriend at the time. Of course he ended up telling her I talked him into it, and it forced me into complete social exile for the next year and a half.

So if you’re ever feeling cringe thinking back on something super bitchy or embarrassing things you’ve done in your past, know you’re not alone.