
Bill O’Reilly’s gone, but sexism is always going to be a major part of Fox News

'Know your role and shut your mouth'

It doesn't take a supercut of horrifying soundbites and sexual harassment suits to know that Fox News is, for lack of better words, a total fucking shitshow.

Bill O'Reilly's disgraced exit from the network signaled to some a regime change, especially on the tail of Roger's Ailes assorted lawsuits. Forcing out two of Fox's worst offenders doesn't mean that rampant sexism and misogyny isn't steeped into the network's foundation, though. It's always been part of Fox, and it always will be — that's what makes it so appealing to millions and millions of similarly anti-women Americans.

We've seen the racist rhetoric, the out-and-out displays of sexism, the lawsuits and fake news, but smashing it all together in one montage of hell does really up the ick factor. Maybe we do need a montage.

Enjoy these worst of the worst moments, and maybe forward them in an email chain to your sexist uncles while you're at it.

70 not enough for you? Cool, have some more:

Bonus Jonas! Here's a racism reel!