
Here’s every single time Melania seemed to totally hate Donald Trump

That Tweet was only the beginning

It's been a conspiracy theory since before his unfortunately-not-ill-fated campaign even began: Melania Trump, Slovenian model and third wife of Donald Trump, absolutely hates his guts.

Fueled by looks, frowns and recoils, the idea was all but corroborated last night when Melania favorited a Tweet from her personal account (as in, not @FLOTUS) insinuating that she wasn't close with her husband. Let me tell you, it was a fucking thrill to behold. We all thought it was fake until we saw it on her account with out own eyes — it was like Christmas morning.

So now, for national interest and possibly revolutionary reasons, we've rounded up in no particular order every single time Melania seemed like she totally and completed despised her husband. Because, y'know, same.

When she looked utterly defeated at the inauguration

The face that launched a thousand gifs. Melania's smizing like Tyra told her she's still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model — until her husband turns around.

Then Melania's face is free to resume its rightful hangdog expression. All across the country, we watched it unfold on TV and just thought "Same, girl." She's watching her fate seal before her very eyes. I'd be sad, too.

When she visibly recoiled from his touch

This was one of the most damning bits of footage released. While making a speech, Melania's arm in touched by Trump and she shudders like she's just been shocked with a cattle prod.

She looks — in a word — terrified and honestly who could blame her? The shudder spurred thousands of tweets, some of which came from domestic violence victims who felt they recognized her pained expression from their own experiences.

The many times she avoided holding his sweaty lil hand

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I wouldn't want to either! It probably smells like damp Cheeto dust and his own dried-n-crusted semen. Melania's well-manicured hand shouldn't have to be in the same room as his perma-tanned monkey claw — and she knows it.

When she finally said fuck you (eh, kind of) and didn't listen to his orders

Please ignore the serial killer-esque SHOCKING NEWS banner scrawl across the video (the crusties of YouTube strike again) and watch what happens when Trump tells Melania where/when to sit at an inauguration event. Those sharp little head shakes are giving me LIFE.

And good for her! She's not a dog — no one gets to command her to sit.

When rumors surfaced that they didn't even sleep in the same bed

Thank god. Can you even imagine having to sleep next to that reanimated corpse of Tan Mom? When various reports came out that Donald and Melania didn't sleep in the same bed, it shocked exactly no one.

And yeah, it's Us Weekly asserting these claims via an unnamed source, but when these "anonymous Trump insiders" say things we all kind of assumed (“Melania wants as little to do with Donald as possible,” explains the family source. “She is not interested in Donald, the presidency or anything involving him) it's kind of hard to not believe it.

When she all but said she hates him via a very sad Tweet

Last night, Melania (or someone with access to her personal, non-FLOTUS account) favorited this tweet about her relationship with Donald:

And here's a video it for the non-believers:

Yes, it featured that one very sad inauguration gif. Yes, it might have been an accident. But in the context of everything else, it seems suspect. Melania, blink twice if you need help. We'll start the revolution together with you as our commander.