
Just a ranking of every hideous outfit Carrie Bradshaw wore

And I thought to myself, wtf is she wearing?

It’s no secret that Carrie Bradshaw is the worst. Ask anyone – she’s selfish, whiny and not even a good friend. But perhaps the worst part of Carrie, a character comprised literally just of flaws and no likeable elements, is the fact she consistently dresses like some kind of warped fashion week export, and we all just have to deal with it. Sure, it can’t be denied she pulls out some bangers on occasion, as celebrated by this iconic Instagram account, but the fact her sartorial choices are purposefully cRaZy only serves to intentionally upstage her friends. Carrie doesn’t dress all zany in a “this is me expressing my individuality” way, it’s in a “LOOK AT ME THIS IS MY SHOW EVERYONE LOOK” way. She’s a level five attention seeker, and I am sick of it.

So, here are some of Carrie’s awful looks for you to rank from bad to worst: