
This new Hailee Steinfeld video puts a nail in the ‘you aren’t like most girls’ compliment coffin

PSA: 'Most girls' are beautiful and I love thm

Since the dawn of time, fuckboys have been telling us that we are special because we “aren’t like most girls.” And for a while, we totally took that as a compliment.

Like, remember when Taylor Swift told us that she deserved the guy because his girlfriend wore short skirts like all the cheerleaders?

Or when Daya told us she didn’t want to sit still and look pretty like the other girls IN 2016!!!

Well, Hailee Steinfeld decided 2017 was finally the year pop divas should stop telling us to hate each other. Her new song, “Most Girls,” says that she wants to be like most women – beautiful, smart and just generally badass no matter how they decide to be a “girl”.

The music video starts with a guy who tells her they should totally go on a date again because she’s so not like other women.

To which she locks him in a room with all of these televisions where she has a different “girl” on each screen.

Moral of the story: next time a guy tries this backhanded compliment on you, lock him up and find a unique way to torture him. OR at least remind him there’s not one type of woman and honestly, being any type of woman is a compliment.