
Pornhub released a list of most commonly misspelled search terms and people want some weird shit


Pornhub released a map of the most commonly misspelled search terms on their site in each state in America, and if you’re planning on moving anytime soon, you might like to be aware of what you’re getting yourself into.

The map was published on Twitter.

Let’s break this down, because I still have a few questions.

Like, for example, why are so many people searching for porn? It’s all porn, it’s literally in the name. And why is people spelling ‘porn’ like ‘porm’ the funniest thing about this entire ordeal?

I’m also wondering what’s going on over here. Not that I’m judging or anything, I’m just thinking of moving there next I guess.

All in all, it seems like places to avoid are Ohio, and Nevada. That shit just isn’t right.

Must be difficult typing with one hand.