
Nobody had a worse Hug Your Cat Day than your cats

Why do we do them like this?

Yesterday was Hug Your Cat Day, also known as humans being even more weird and needy than usual day, and although some cat owners have allowed it to leak over into today, we’ve received enough submissions to confirm: Nobody had a worse Hug Your Cat Day than your cat.

What’s most curious is why we though this holiday would go down well in the first place (My blood type is O positive if you’re wondering), but we came, we saw, we conquered?

I wanted to take a moment of silence for all the cats terrorized in the last 24 hours. May you find the strength within you to move forward.

Look at the sheer terror in their eyes

If this doesn’t spell horror, I don’t know what does

They didn’t ask for this

Rest up sweet angels, Hug Your Cat Day is only one year away, and you’ll need all the energy you can get. The humans are coming.