
Memes you’ll only understand if you’re a self-destructive garbage person

Alas, I must return to the sea

If you’re a piece of shit that continues to make terrible life choices even though you know exactly how it’s gonna end up, say haaaay! Say hoooo!

No, but seriously. I find myself asking me why the fuck I’m like this every day and if you’re a swamp person from Trash Island, I’m sure you can relate.

I mean, this is just our life:

Things are going gr8!!!

Don’t worry about me, y’all!!!

Thank gosh for our friends, though:

Because this is on a never-ending loop:

HMU if you wanna be mean to me, tickets are still available!

The truest squad I know:

Name a more iconic duo than anxiety and depression. I’ll wait.

Sign me TF up:

Some things will just always be a mystery:


Better than fine! What’s better than fine?

The honesty (and loyalty):

Kim, sweetie:

I am my own greatest stan, but also my own biggest hater: