
Ivanka says she didn’t know DC would be so ‘vicious’ and Twitter is reminding her Trump is the antichrist

Haha sorry, what?

This morning, Ivanka Trump appeared on ‘Fox and Friends’ to give an interview about life as the Special Advisor to the President — her father, the melted bowl of tapioca propped up in the Oval Office’s special Big Boy Chair and pretending to be in charge.

It was a pretty standard Ivanka interview, but Twitter fell out of their chairs when she said she wasn’t expecting people to hate her in DC.  She said “It is hard… there’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting.”

Everyone is calling bullshit – mostly because, I don’t know, Trump and his followers are the most classless and vicious people in Politics right now? Here’s the best responses to her completely tone-deaf interview.

This journalist reminded everyone of how vicious Trump is towards the press.

“I would never kill them, but I do hate them.”

Or remember how vicious he was towards the disabled?

Definitely no ugliness in this political campaign!

His fans are vicious towards anyone with feelings, apparently.

Drake would cry.

And, oh! Ivanka, your dad also hates women.

No sign of viciousness here.

We all see through you, Ivanka.

We’ve seen House of Cards and we know how this works.

And we aren’t ok with what you’re doing.


Thank you to Twitter for doing her interviewers’ job – going in on her for telling a blatant lie. I say like like nine times a day, but thank God for the internet.