
Finally, sweet vindication: Studies show women who wear makeup actually perform better on tests

Look good, feel good, ace that test

In a study recently published in Cogent Psychology, researchers found that wearing makeup can enhance academic performance.

For the phenomenon aptly known as the “lipstick effect,” researchers split 186 undergraduate students into three groups and then had them take a simulated university examination.

One group wore makeup, another group listened to happy music, and the third colored a picture. The study concluded that students wearing makeup outperformed both of the other groups.

When examining why this phenomenon occurs, researchers asked participants to self-report how beautiful they felt. Participants wearing makeup self-reported a higher perception of beauty than any of the other participants.

The study concluded that makeup positivity influences self-esteem which in turn positively affects cognitive performance.

Basically, the moral of the story is you can use this study to justify buying that new Urban Decay palette.