
Twitter is convinced they’ve found Selena Gomez’s twin, and the similarities are pretty striking

It's seriously uncanny

With her Netflix adaptation of 13 Reasons Why, the brand new short film for her single Bad Liar, and The Weeknd on her arm, Selena’s in the news more than ever.

So when Twitter user Grace Montoya re-shared some photos of herself from last summer, she was instantly inundated with messages from strangers telling her she looks “Just like Selena Gomez.”

You can’t deny they could be identical twins

I mean this photo looks exactly like her

They even have the same perfectly heart shaped face. Plus they’re both extremely fashionable.

She’s receiving messages like ‘My bitch ass thought this was Selena’

And almost all of them are coming from strangers

She says she can see how people think she looks like Selena

But she doesn’t think she’s as pretty.

Others think if Camila Cabello and Selena Gomez had a child, this is what she’d look like

And it’s not just that first set of photos people are kicking off about

Often you’ll look a certain way on a day, depending on what you’re wearing, and how you’ve done your hair, and the next day you’ll like entirely different.

But just earlier this month, people were commenting on her resemblance to Selena in another series of photos.

Luckily we can be sure she’s a fan

Another user asked her if she liked Selena, and she said “Yes!!! She’s such a sweet girl. I just wish she acted more.”

And she loves her newest song, Bad Liar

We should get these two to meet.