
Why is everyone’s Instagram discover feed literally just hot girls in bikinis?

Check right now, I dare you

It’s a Wednesday afternoon. I’m bored as fuck and trying to figure out how to entertain myself after I’ve already refreshed my news feeds a million times. Then, it pops in my head as I am admiring my Instagram aesthetic and selfie taking skill — the discovery option!

I flip over to the discovery feed and within about five minutes I am ready to go binge a pizza and then, happy with my gluttony, run into oncoming traffic.

Why is the discovery feed on Instagram literally just a Cosmo swimsuit spread?

I dare you, go open your feed right now. Sabrina from the University of Alabama with bleach blonde hair and bronze skin is probably startling a swan or laying on a beach towel with her disturbingly beautiful best friend. Right next to her is Becky from Miami who is rocking a one-piece with cut outs that would reveal literally all your rolls. She’s drinking a sugary drink cocktail and gaining no weight, isn’t she?

I swear, somehow, Instagram finds every grotesquely hot woman in America and puts them in our discovery feeds so we will all hate ourselves and upload more photos to their app for a confidence boost. Why else would they put some pseudo-celebrity from Texas with a perfect butt on my discovery?

The worst thing about all of this? These girls aren’t actually models. You should be able to be them. They’re normal people.

I see through you, Instagram. Time to go follow some fitspo accounts.