
A round of applause for ASOS, who refuses to airbrush out models’ stretch marks

Who's next?

People are really happy with ASOS right now because they’ve left their models’ stretch marks in all of their swimsuit advertisements instead of airbrushing them out.

It started with a girl tweeting this one image, saying she was impressed, and that the model looks amazing (she does), and everybody began piling in.

What’s even cooler is that photo isn’t the only one.

They haven’t been photoshopping the stretch marks off of any of their models

While this shouldn’t have to be something we celebrate, with so many online shops photoshopping their ads to the gods, this is a breath of fresh air.

Look at these girls!

There’s still a long way to go in terms of body acceptance in media and advertisements, but it’s exciting to see stores like ASOS taking baby steps.

Everybody else agrees

Here’s hoping other stores are taking notes.