
Girls on Twitter shut down this body-shamer with their hot bikini pics

Did anyone ask for your opinion?

Twitter user Angel Flexcobar was asking for it when he body-shamed thousands of women on Twitter. He wrote “No girl over 105 should be wearing a 2 piece bathing suit lmao.”

The tweet sparked controversy and outrage from women everywhere, who sent Angel a ton of hate but also pictures of them wearing bikinis.

Women started sending in sexy bikini pics, proving that his opinion doesn’t matter

All of them included their weight when sharing their pictures, proving Angel he was very wrong

And everyone looks bomb

Angel tried to say it was a trick

After Angel received a ton of hate, he tried to cover his ass by saying he only tweeted it because he wanted women to send him bikini pics.

The tweet may have been ill intended, but it did spark girls’ confidence and enforced the notion that weight doesn’t define beauty.