
You can now get an actual university degree in Instagram Celebrity

You'll learn how to contour and take fake candids

Past “fad majors” in Beyoncé, bowling and astrology all pale to an absolutely ridiculous new degree obtainable in Online Influencing. Yes, like the thing where you write #ad next to a marble slab with beauty products and a green juice artfully arranged on it.

That thing where pretty bitches post fake candid with collagen-filled lips and some “I woke up like this ;)” caption. That thing I so desperately want, I’m considering purchasing a book of spells and conjuring a demon to trade a piece of my soul for a scrap of fame.

Or I could just enroll in this program at Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College in China.

Seriously, the classes include photography (read: selfie taking), makeup artistry, and public relations. And considering how much money can be made off #sponcon and brand partnership deals, it doesn’t even seem like that ludicrous an option.

It’s certainly more viable than Philosophy, no matter what your freshman-year boyfriend thought.