
Arkansas forces women to get their rapist’s permission for abortions

Imagine confronting your abuser

In an attempt by legislators to push an anti-abortion agenda under the guise of something less sinister, women in Arkansas —  including those impregnated by abusive partners, or through sexual assault — now need permission from those men to get an abortion.

The law that was just passed states, “In the matter of a person’s death, family members have to agree on what to do with the deceased person’s body,” including a fetus.

So if you are impregnated by a rapist or abuser, that person can deny you an abortion.

So, whether you feel your home is not a safe space for a child, you know yourself and know you’re not ready to care for another human, or you were assaulted at a young age and are still learning how to care for yourself, none of it matters under this new legislation, as long as the man who impregnated you feels otherwise.

A representative for NARAL Pro-Choice told HuffPost it’s a way to “make it harder” to access abortion.

And the most chilling part is the men who agree with it.

The first hearing to challenge the law is happening tomorrow, but if it goes unopposed it’ll go into effect on July 30.