
Target just released a line of Lisa Frank pajamas for adults

Gotta show off my new look

Admit it, you’re jealous. Growing up, there was nothing better than picking out a brand new backpack and set of glittery folders. You eye kids from across the store picking out school supplies and think about your glory days, where every August you got to be a brand new person just by picking out a lunch box.

Maybe the only thing second to this sensation was throwing a sleepover with all your best friends right after school started. You ate popcorn, watched 13 Going On 30, and showed off the sick patterned pajama pants you begged your parents to buy you.

Just in time to cure the insatiable back-to-school nostalgia, Target has combined our growing-up guilty pleasures (school supplies and sleepovers) with a new line of Lisa Frank pajamas.

There’s super cute nighties featuring all of your Lisa Frank faves

Like the rainbow cat that graced all of our textbook covers.

And patterned short sets

In case you don’t do dresses.

All of the pajamas are available in plus sizes

Because we all love Lisa.

Some of the pieces are already sold out, tho :(

Which is understandable because they’re the best thing I’ve ever seen.

Cue the girl’s night to show off my new sleepwear lewk.