This girl looks just like Regina George in her senior pictures and Twitter is going banaaaanas, y’all


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This girl looks just like Regina George in her senior pictures and Twitter is going banaaaanas, y’all

‘You can go shave your back now. Bye, Jason.’

So this is April, a high school senior in California.

She’s a cheerleader, hilarious on Twitter and, also, a complete dead-ringer for everyone’s mutual idol, Regina George. Look at her senior pictures:

She’s even wearing the same #iconic off-the-shoulder top Regina wears when she looses the Burn Book copies on the unsuspecting bitches of North Shore High:

Ok, fine, it’s the standard-issue senior portrait gown they give you. Whatever. And I’m not the only one who sees this uncanny resemblance. Twitter is kicking off in the most wholesome way about the girl whose hair is probably insured for $10,000.

Apparently, April even shut down some transphobic locals who tried to come for people on her TL??? Woke queen. We’ve reached out to April, who is definitely not your typical selfish, back-stabbing, slut-face, hoe bag for comment. She’s so much more than that.