
Kendall Jenner made almost $20 million last year but apparently can’t manage to leave a tip

Not cute, Kendall

Kendall Jenner, the yellow Starburst of the Kardashian-Jenner Collective, was just called out for seemingly refusing to tip bartenders.

Baby’s All Right, one of the best bars/music venues/brunch spots in Brooklyn put Jenner on blast via Instagram with a shot of the model’s receipt. The space for tip is blindingly blank:

Instagram users were quick to jump in on the drag, @-ing Jenner and even sharing stories of times other KJ’s have skipped out on the tip:

Why this is so damn shitty doesn’t need to be explained, but I’m gonna do it anyway just in case. In the U.S., most food and beverage service workers make less than minimum wage because it’s expected as American custom that patrons tip (typically 10-20 percent) their waitstaff and bartenders. And in many restaurants and bars, tips are pooled which means all employees combine their tips and split them evenly. So Kendall’s alleged cheap-ass behavior could have really fucked someone over.

Kenny, the bill was $24. TWENTY. FOUR. FUCKING. DOLLARS. Even if you tipped 20 percent, that’s less than 5 bucks. Considering you made $17 million via starring in ill-fated Pepsi commercials and hawking hair growth pills on Instagram, I think you can spare a few dollars for the people serving you.

Hope this isn’t true, Ken! Not a good look.