
Call the police: Matching your eyeshadow to your outfit is back in

I sincerely believed we left this in 2005

It’s 2005. You’re getting ready for school, rocking your new purple top from GAP. You decide to whip out your clear makeup bag covered in monkeys to put on some sweet purple eyeshadow. You have lilac, plum, and periwinkle but the lilac totally matches your shirt, so you stick your pointer finger in there and rub your eyelid. Sooo cute!

I had sincerely hoped I would never again have to whip out some lime green eyeshadow, but apparently I was sadly mistaken. I hope your mom kept your 40-piece, multi-layered Claire’s makeup box somewhere in the deep recesses of your attic because colored eyeshadows that match your clothes are back in style.

Don’t believe me? Don’t worry, I have the receipts. I first realized I was living in our collective beauty nightmare when I realized Lucy Hale was being celebrated for matching her red eyeshadow to her red skirt at the Teen Choice Awards.

In case you couldn’t see well enough, THIS look was on the red carpet. In 2017:

I thought to myself, maybe this is all just a fluke. A one time thing. But no. Mandy Moore was touted as like the cutest kinda old lady star ever for wearing the SAME makeup look. All of this in two news cycles.

This @maisonvalentino clutch (and ?) was clearly the winner at last night's #thisisusfyc event.

A post shared by Mandy Moore (@mandymooremm) on

I held hope this look would not invade the peasantry, like an allusive line of Dior jewelry reserved for only the most elite. Yet again, I was wrong.

I found a normal binch on Twitter who wears eyeshadow matching her clothes

She still gets more retweets on her Twitter selfies than I ever will

Then they just kept coming

Fuck me

This is definitely a trend

She would look good in anything though, to be fair

I’m honestly not sure what to do now that my worst beauty nightmare has come about – except go into Sephora and buy an eyeshadow in every color because I am hoe for being up with the trends.

I also better call my mom. I’m sure that makeup box will be around somewhere.