
Miley Cyrus’ new music video is the opposite of Wrecking Ball and it’s really good

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Welcome to the pop-star renaissance, everyone. I’ll admit, I miss Wrecking Ball Miley who seemed to get a rush from the chaos she brought upon herself, but her new music also reminds me personalities are fluid, so maybe there’s still hope for Katy Perry (Who else saw her on the back of Bloom’s bike?)

This morning, Cyrus surprised fans with a new video for “Younger Now,” directed by Diane Martel and co-directed by Cyrus. The album, Younger Now, will also feature her hit single “Malibu,” the video for which had a similarly un-Miley like laid-back vibe.

So what’s so different about her latest video?

Well, for one, it’s full of carnie folk and babies.

“Feels like I just woke up,” the song opens. Like all this time I’ve been asleep.” She seems to be lying in her childhood bed.

At this point we can assume she’s slipped into a dream

She’s suddenly rocking out in a purple room with absolutely incredible hair.

That’s when we get to the fun carnival bit

It seems like what’s basically going on is we have a bunch of really old people doing acrobatics, and all I can say is it kind of does seem like they “stayed the same” if they’re still able to do that. But I never understood contemporary art anyway.

Okay, I was right, it’s a dream

She confirms it for us here.

Now she’s friends with all the old people

But they’re like really, really weirdly close friends, and I’m not one to judge, but it’s hard to say what’s actually going on here. They seem very close.

Old people can get down with the kids too? Maybe that’s the message here?

She must be the ringleader now

Because she seems to be down with the kids, too. Plus she’s rocking an amazing Jumper.


At some point she begins flying out of the sky

Singing, “What goes up, must come down.” I guess she’s waking up.

Kidding. She fell into a crazy dance scene instead!

This part is good. It kind of reminds me of Waitress, the musical. But weirder.

Here’s the only thing we haven’t spoken about

Because I literally refuse to.

Watch the video here