
Beauty is fucking pain: The most horrific ways we’ve hurt ourselves getting ready

‘I managed to cut my nipple on a razor while shaving my pits’

As much as we complain, sometimes the accidents that come out of being a women are fucking hilarious. Let's celebrate these painful, bloody, yet amusing fuck-ups.

The girl who took an L to be fancy

I was going to see a show and wanted to dress fancy, so I wore wedges and a super cute jumpsuit. I was walking to the studios and then I stacked it in the middle of the pavement and just fell to the floor. My knee was bleeding like mad but I couldn't do anything until I got to the studio's toilets, where I sat in a TV recording with a bleeding knee. I then got invited backstage at that show and there's famous people all around me while I'm standing there with a tragic knee that has since scarred for life. – Sophie, 23

The girl who lost her eyebrow to a sneeze

One time I was tired of plucking my eyebrows, decided to use one of those eyebrow trimmer razor things you can buy at Target, sneezed and took off half my brow and a portion of my eyelashes, while stabbing my eye. Not my finest moment. – Chloe, 22

The girl who turned into a Smurf

I once really wanted to impress a guy friend who was super into languages, so I wore this denim blue frilly top my mom got me on a trip to France. Only problem is the dye wasn't actually sealed, so minute by minute I managed to turn my skin completely blue — like a Smurf. I only realized what had happened when he randomly started singing "I'm blue." Teenage cringe right there.

The girl who just can't get a grip

I somehow managed to get matching scars on both my little fingers from dropping my razor in the shower. The war wounds are real. – Saskia, 21

The girl who could've bled out from fear

One time when I was younger I was shaving my legs for like the first time and I cut my leg so badly that my bath slowly just filled with blood. I was too scared to move and too embarrassed to shout to my mum for help because I thought shaving was really taboo and secretive so I just stayed there in the bloody water for awhile. Also, I managed to cut my nipple on a razor while shaving my pits before. Awful experience, don't recommend. – Lucy, 22

The girl who wished life didn't give her lemons

I used a fake tan I hadn't tried before (I was abroad and I don't even think it had a brand name) because it was on sale, and I was sick of being pale on holiday, but it was so bad and I went orange and really streaky. So I used a nail brush pretty much all over me to scrub it off but that didn't work so I googled how to fade fake tan and lemon juice came up. I tried it and Oh. My. God. The brush had basically lightly scratched my whole body so when I put the lemon juice on literally head to toe stung incessantly, like when you get lemon juice in a cut, for a good few hours. In hindsight it was actually a very stupid thing to do, but to be fair the lemon juice worked and the tan faded so all was not lost. – Charli, 20

The girl who just had to get her wax

Junior year of high school, I needed to get my eyebrows done but my usual place was closed. I always wax them, so I agreed to let my mom do it for me at home; it was just a quick clean up anyway. She was distracted and let the wax heat up for too long. When she put the molten wax on my brow, it immediately burnt my skin off. She was stunned by my screaming and in turn accidentally waxed 75% of my right eyebrow off. I had to go to school the next morning with a huge scabby red forehead, my eyelid drooping, and half my eyebrow missing. It took months to grow back in. – Laila, 21

The girl who basically should be Repunzel

I have three feet of hair. I cannot tell you how many times I have trapped it in things. I have shut the car door on it, get tangled up with my pants, get sucked into the seatbelt, sat on it. I have been cuddling with my boyfriend before, and when I got up to do something I did not realize he was on my hair until I got yanked back down like a cartoon character. – Cassandra, 22

The girl that just wanted to look like everyone else

So when I was around 12 or 13 and subscribed to Seventeen Magazine, I spent a lot of time looking at airbrushed pictures of celebrities and models. One thing they didn’t have that I did: a slight girl-stache. So of course out of sheer embarrassment I’m going to do anything I possibly can to get rid of it. My mom got me some bleaching cream to help me out, which seemed like a great idea at first. It smelled weird and you can follow the directions and still be really confused and unsure about how to apply properly. Well, I ended up leaving it on too long and got a chemical burn on the side right above the corner of my lip. It was fairly big too. I tried covering it up with makeup, but scabs are not easy to hide. I don’t think a lot of people could tell exactly what had happened, but my knowing the truth was horrible enough. – Emma, 20

The girl whose Nair experience turned tragic

A couple of months ago I thought it would be a good idea to Nair off my pubes because they we're so fucking overgrown; it was going to be impossible to tackle it with razors. I Naired the mound and it was all fine and dandy, the hair wiped off so effortlessly I wondered why more people don't try it out. I went down south and applied Nair to my labia majora. At first it didn't feel any different, but after four or five minutes it started burning. My dumbass was like "ah, well I left it on for 10 minutes up top, so I'm going to endure this pain and leave it on." So, I left the Nair on while it chemically burned my fucking lips off. After 10 minutes I hopped in the shower for some sweet relief, but I realized I couldn't wipe anything off because I was basically wiping my skin off and bleeding. I showed my roommates my vagina and they can attest to how raw it looked after I got out of the shower and wept in my bed from the pain. That was the worst night of my life. – Maggie, 23