
Summer’s over so you can officially begin your quest for a Fallbae™ now

What they are, where to get one, how to get one

Fall is right around the corner and with the change of seasons so too should come a change of dick.

Your summer flings are meant to last as long as the half-melted frosé you ordered with brunch which is why it's time to switch things up and find yourself a Fallbae™.

A Fallbae™ is a man who's just as down to go to pumpkin patches as he is to go down on you. The Fallbae™ is not a temporary man, he's meant to last you until at least the first buds begin to sprout in spring. He's not someone you just tolerate, but he's someone you actually enjoy spending time with who actually enjoys spending time with you.

You may be hesitant to let your summer fling go but if you're not a true couple by now you probably never will be.

How does one find a Fallbae™? You can go the typical route by swiping on apps until you give yourself carpal-tunnel but I believe there are better places to find yourself a Fallbae™.


Grab a coffee, grab a seat, and stick your nose in a book. If he's a true, confident Fallbae™ he won't be afraid to approach you and ask what you're reading. Not in a douchy way but in a genuinely interested in you way.

If you're tired of sitting waiting for a man to come to you, however, don't be afraid to scour the aisles for the Fallbae™ of your dreams. Ask him what kind of book he's looking for or if he's read one of your favorite titles. You may just find yourself a Fallbae™ with a brain to boot.

Sports Leagues

Sports leagues are a great way to meet new man meat. These men are athletic, fun, and down to clown.

You may have to weed through a few fuckboys but there are, for sure, some Fallbaes™ gathering to play flag football, soccer, softball, etc. this fall. So grab your cleats and get going. Your Fallbae™ awaits.


Breweries in the day for casual hangouts, not raucous partying are ideal for meeting your future Fallbae™.

Go, hang out, taste some beers and meet the burly, bearded, beer-loving Fallbae™ of your dreams.

Your local coffeeshop

Don't just pick any coffeeshop. The coffeeshop you routinely visit, whether it's your morning coffee or afternoon tea, the place you go the most should be the place you creep for your Fallbae™.

If you frequent there, he probably does too and that means your Fallbae™ probably lives close. There's nothing better than a Fallbae™ who lives just around the corner from you.

Bar showing the game of your favorite sport's team

You don't have to be your team's number one fan to enjoying watching a game at a bar. Going out to watch a game is a great way to meet other fans but more importantly, it's a great way to meet potential Fallbaes™ who like the same team you do.

You'll also probably find a guy who likes the same shitty, fattening bar food you do and really, is there anything better than chatting over a plate of nachos? One thing is certain, though: if your Fallbae™ doesn't appreciate you with a mouth full of wings then he doesn't deserve you with a mouth full of dick.

Your favorite band's concert

This one is a tried and true method to meet men. Someone who likes the same music as you? Amazing!

You guys will probably have way more in common than your taste in music and you'll be able to make playlists for each other. There are some hidden Fallbae™ gems at concerts, you just need to find them.

Volunteering at a local pet shelter

Not only will you get to spend the day playing with cute animals but you'll be able to meet fellow animal lovers. It's key that your Fallbae™ loves the same animals you do.

If you like dogs you absolutely need to find a Fallbae™ that also likes dogs. That one is non-negotiable. Plus, he volunteers which means he has a selfless side which is always a bonus in the bedroom.

There are plenty of places to find your new Fallbae™ and now is the time to start preparations. Tell your summer fling it was fun while it lasted but there are better baes on the horizon, specifically Fallbaes™.