
The gods have relieved us of pimple popping and hair waxing and given us the gift of lipstick smushing

Prepare to be mesmerized

Do you remember a day these past five months where you haven't wanted to claw your eyes out or throw up that sushi you just ate because of a video of puss shocking you to your very core? What about a day where your body didn't ache from the inside out from being graced with some hardcore waxing on loop?

I've deleted friends who've shared said videos and regret nothing. Scrolling through incredibly cringe couples is hard enough, there's no place for such things on my feed.

Those days were dark and I didn't think we'd ever see the light again, but alas, the time has come.

The gods have heard our (my) cries and graced us with the purest, most relaxing internet addiction yet: Makeup smushing.

Just look at these Dior sisters become one

Get high watching this perfect Chanel lipstick get absolutely wrecked

Your head will be in the clouds watching Glossier's cloud paints unite

It's almost too much, but never enough

As if this rainbow wasn't satisfying as is, LOOK AT IT SMUSH

My entire body is tingling watching this beautiful collaboration

I just need a moment to myself to appreciate such joy

I know paint mixing has been around literally forever, but this – this is a whole new world.

Some people have questioned the thought behind ruining new and perfect lipsticks that cost more than my usual $8 hot pink color. And all I have to say to them is: Don't question genius.